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8 Among those who believe racism exists, percent who trust each to do what is right when it comes to responding to systemic racism and racial injustice in this country MY EMPLOYER REMAINS ONLY INSTITUTION TRUSTED ON RACISM RESPONSE 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Business and Racial Justice in America. Q7A. For each of the institutions and groups of people listed below, please indicate how much you trust them to do what is right when it comes to responding to the problem of systemic racism and racial injustice in this countr y. 9 -point scale; top 4 box, trust. General population, U.S. “My employer” only shown to those who are an employee of an organization (Q43/1). Data is filtered to be among those who say they personally believe that systemic racism and racial injustice exists in this country today (Q7/1). 72 53 51 48 47 My employer NGOs Business Media Government -1 0 +1 -2 +1 Change, Apr 2021 to Apr 2022 - 0 + Distrust (1-49) Neutral (50 -59) Trust (60 -100) Media and government continue to be distrusted

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