18 Percent of employees who say LACK OF DEI LEADERSHIP IMPEDES EMPLOYER PROGRESS ON RACISM 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Business and Racial Justice in America. WORK_PROG. Do you feel that the organization you work for is making meaningful progress when it comes to addressing racism and r acial inequities in your workplace? 5- point scale; codes 2- 4; not much or any progress. Question asked to those who are an employee of an organization (Q 43/1). General population, U.S., and among Non- Hispanic White, Black, Hispanic and Asian populations. WHY_NO_ACT. You said that you are not seeing any or much meaningful progress from the organization you work for when it comes to addressing r aci sm and racial inequities. Why do you feel your organization is not making much or any progress? Pick all that apply. Question asked to those who are not seeing a lot of meaningful progress (WORK_PROG/2- 4). General population, U.S. Data on the right is in rank order, showing the top 5, with ties broken by nearest decimal place. “None of the above” is excluded from the ranking. F or the full question text, please refer to the appendix. 52 % I do not see my company making much progress addressing racism and racial inequity in the workplace No one is tasked with leading DEI initiatives Too many employees worry DEI initiatives would exclude them Executives do not prioritize eliminating racial inequities Executives do not see racism as a problem No one has called for DEI Among those that don’t see much progress, top 5 reasons why (shown in rank order) 46 62 50 65 White Black Hispanic Asian U.S. employees

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