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35 2022 EDELMAN TRUST BAROMETER: FULL TEXT FOR ANSWER CHOICES ABBREVIATED CEO EXPECTATIONS IN RESPONSE TO RACISM Shortened Full Institute a policy of zero tolerance of racism Institute a policy of zero tolerance of racism within their organization Educate themselves on issues that impact communities Educate themselves on the issues that impact the Black, Asian American, and Hispanic/Latino communities in this country Ensure their workforce at all levels is representative of the country as a whole Ensure that their workforce at all levels is racially representative of the country as a whole Ensure there is diversity on the company’s board Ensure that there is ethnic diversity on the company’s board of directors Foster the career growth of Black, Hispanic and Asian employees Establish programs within the workplace to foster the growth and career development of Black, Hispanic/Latino and Asian American employees WCEO_RESP. Which of the following things do you believe that CEOs must do in response to the systemic racism and racial injustice in this country? Pick all that apply

Business and Racial Justice - Page 35 Business and Racial Justice Page 34 Page 36