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34 2022 EDELMAN TRUST BAROMETER: FULL TEXT FOR ANSWER CHOICES ABBREVIATED REASONS FOR LACK OF DEI LEADERSHIP Shortened Full No one is tasked with leading DEI initiatives No one in the organization is tasked with leading diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives Too many employees worry DEI initiatives would exclude them Too many employees worry that diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives would exclude them from advancement opportunities Executives do not prioritize eliminating racial inequities The CEO and other executive leaders do not prioritize racism and eliminating racial inequities within the organization as an issue Executives do not see racism as a problem The CEO and other executive leaders do not see racism and racial inequity as problems within the organization No one has called for DEI Our employees have not explicitly or forcefully called for initiatives around diversity, equity and inclusion WHY_NO_ACT. You said that you are not seeing any or much meaningful progress from the organization you work for when it comes to addressing racism and racial inequities. Why do you feel your organization is not making much or any progress? Pick all that apply.

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