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20 U.S. general population White Black Hispanic Asian All employees 39 40 37 48 Black employees 20 23 20 17 Hispanic employees 12 13 20 11 Asian employees 11 10 11 14 White employees 9 12 10 7 No one. I do not feel anyone benefits 22 15 13 15 Percent who say each group benefits from workplace diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives ONLY 4 IN 10 AGREE DEI INITIATIVES BENEFIT ALL EMPLOYEES 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Business and Racial Justice in America. DEI_BENE. When a workplace has initiatives that address diversity, equity, and inclusion, who, if anyone, do you feel ultimately benefits the from those initiatives? Pick all that apply. General population, U.S., and among Non -Hispanic White, Black, Hispanic and Asian populations. 19 9 12 14 21 38

Business and Racial Justice - Page 20 Business and Racial Justice Page 19 Page 21