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MORE THAN 1 IN 4 DON’T TRUST ANY INFORMATION SOURCE ON RACIAL JUSTICE - 0 + Change, Aug 2020 to Apr 2021 Percent who say each information source is the best place to get the truth Most trusted source about racism and companies’ racism response within each community White Black Latinx Asian No trustworthy information sources -3 27 32 14 17 21 Advocacy/activist organizations -1 23 20 33 26 26 Major mainstream news organizations -2 20 19 25 21 22 Friends and family 0 19 18 29 23 27 Social media +1 16 14 26 21 26 Media produced by and for 0 14 12 25 17 19 my ethnic or racial community Official government sources 0 14 14 17 16 19 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Business and Racial Justice in America. Q28. Which of the following information sources are the best places to go to get the truth about racism and racial injustice in this country, and how companies and institutions are responding to calls for change? Pick all that apply. General population, U.S., and among Non-Hispanic White, Black, Latinx and Asian populations. “Advocacy/Activist organizations” is an average of attributes 9 and 10. 8

Business and Racial Justice in America - Page 8 Business and Racial Justice in America Page 7 Page 9