THE MORE RACISM IN THE WORKPLACE, THE MORE DAMAGE TO THE EMPLOYER RELATIONSHIP Number of different types of racism seen in the workplace, and percent of employees who say their relationship with their employer has been affected in each way The more workplace racism, Number of types of racism seen in the workplace the more damage to employer-employee relationship One Two-to-three Four or more Trust Loyalty Advocacy 55 52 46 39 32 27 24 17 11 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Business and Racial Justice in America. Q27. How does the presence of these forms of racism affect your relationship with your employer? Pick all that apply. Question asked of employees who have seen some form of racism at work (Q43/1 AND Q24/1-16; 18-20). General population, U.S., by how many forms of racism employees are seeing in their workplace asked at Q24 (43/1). “Advocacy” is a net of attributes 3 and 4; “Loyalty” is a net of attributes 5 and 6. 22

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