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NEARLY 1 IN 4 LACK TRUSTED SOURCE OF DEI INFORMATION Percent who trust each to tell them the truth about racism, diversity, equity and inclusion within their organization U.S. general population White Black Latinx Asian I do not trust anyone in Most trusted source the organization 23 22 26 16 30 within each community My direct boss/supervisor 28 30 29 26 27 My racially diverse co-workers 27 27 36 24 36 Racially diverse co-workers most trusted among Head of HR 23 22 18 32 17 Black and Asian employees The CEO 22 28 14 21 18 Head of DEI 21 21 22 26 19 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Business and Racial Justice in America. VOICES. Which of the following people do you trust to tell you the truth about racism, diversity, equity and inclusion matters within the organization you work for? Pick all that apply. Question asked of those who are employed (Q43/1). General population, U.S., and among Non-Hispanic White, Black, Latinx and Asian populations. 20

Business and Racial Justice in America - Page 20 Business and Racial Justice in America Page 19 Page 21