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PROGRESS ON DIVERSITY; INCLUSIVE CULTURE NOW OF GREATEST CONCERN Percent who report seeing each type of racism at their employer - 0 + U.S. general population White Black Latinx Asian Change, Aug 2020 to Apr 2021 Highest concern within Lack of inclusive +4 each community workplace culture 37 33 45 42 37 Lack of diversity in its -5 35 30 47 35 49 Lack of diversity was workforce and leadership #1 concern in 2020 Bias in customer and +10 31 24 38 38 31 community engagement Bias in employee pay +4 21 18 27 22 22 and benefits 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Business and Racial Justice in America. Q24. Within the organization you work for, what forms of racism, if any, do you currently see? Pick all that apply. Question asked of those who are employed (Q43/1). General population, U.S., and among Non-Hispanic White, Black, Latinx and Asian populations. “Inclusive workplace culture” is a net of attributes 7,9,12-14; “Diversity” is a net of attributes 1-4; “Bias in customer engagement” is a net of attributes 5,8,10, and 15; “Bias in employee pay” is a net of attributes 6, and11. 19

Business and Racial Justice in America - Page 19 Business and Racial Justice in America Page 18 Page 20