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FINANCIAL SERVICES ASSIGNS TWO VERY DIFFERENT CUSTOMER EXPERIENCES Percent who have had one or more negative experiences with financial services companies General population High income respondents (100k+) List of negative experiences include: An employee talked down to me White Black Latinx Asian I felt that no one there cared to get to know me as a person I felt I needed to change my appearance to be taken seriously 68 I had to supply more proof of my employment than was necessary 58 55 49 I felt ignored or not seen at a physical location 41 44 34 36 No one had a similar cultural background to me I was given higher rates or fees because of the color of my skin 2021 Edelman Money in Color Special Report Q39. Which of the following, if any, have you experienced dealing with financial services companies before? Please select all that apply. General population, U.S., and among Non-Hispanic White, Black, Latinx and Asian populations. 12

Addressing Racism in Americas Financial System. - Page 12 Addressing Racism in Americas Financial System. Page 11 Page 13