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CULTIVATE AN INCLUSIVE ENVIRONMENT TO DEVELOP POSITIVE CUSTOMER EXPERIENCES Percent that say each action is very/extremely important to creating a welcoming environment U.S. general population White Black Latinx Asian Top 2 solutions within each community Communicate all customers are treated equally 66 64 71 67 68 Employees greet me with a smile 58 58 61 58 55 Having a diverse workforce at all levels 52 50 67 52 55 of the organization Implementing company-wide trainings around 51 47 69 54 57 diversity, inclusion, and equity Having materials in languages other than English 42 40 53 48 44 Demonstrate allyship for disenfranchised groups 41 39 55 45 44 2021 Edelman Money in Color Special Report. Q48. In your opinion, how important are each of the following actions when it comes to creating a more welcoming environment within the financial services industry? 5-point scale; top 2 box, important. General population, U.S., and among Non- Hispanic White, Black, Latinx and Asian populations. 32

Addressing Racism in Americas Financial System. - Page 32 Addressing Racism in Americas Financial System. Page 31 Page 33