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2024 Edelman Trust Barometer P. 27 To Earn My Acceptance, Show Me the Innovation Is Vetted by Scientists and Ethicists Average acceptance rating for each innovation GLOBAL 28 I reject this innovation I am okay with this I embracethis innovation Among those who have Resistant Hesitant Comfortable Enthusiastic Passionate (1-1.49) (1.5-2.49) (2.5-3.49) (3.5-4.49) (4.5-5) low high confidence that each Green energy innovation has been evaluated by scientists AI and ethicists Gene-based medicine Much more acceptance GMO foods among those with high confidence that each innovation is vetted by scientists 2024 Edelman Trust Barometer.TEC_TST. How confident are you that these technologies have been adequately tested, evaluated, and assessed by scientists, ethicists, and other experts? 5-point scale; top 2 box, high confidence; bottom 2 box, low confidence. Question asked of half the sample. CHG_TEC_COM. How would you characterize your feelings about each of the following? 5-point scale; data plotted is an average acceptance rating for each innovation. General population, 28-mkt avg., by level of confidence. For a full explanation of how the Average Acceptance Rating was calculated, please see the Technical Appendix.

2024 Edelman Trust Barometer Global Report - Page 27 2024 Edelman Trust Barometer Global Report Page 26 Page 28