Divisive Forces Exploit and Intensify Our Differences Percent who say GLOBAL 25 Excludes China and Thailand These groups are Business leaders, NGO leaders, and teachers more likely to be seen as unifiers a dividing force a unifying force that pulls people apart that brings people together 62 61 64 49 46 43 41 33 35 32 29 20 22 20 Rich and Hostile foreign Government Journalists Business NGO leaders Teachers powerful governments leaders leaders 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer. PROB_PLP. Ideological differences will always exist among people, but there are some groups of people that are perhaps making things worse than they might otherwise be by fueling divisions and fomenting a lack of civility between people who hold different views. In contrast, there are some groups of people that are perhaps making thingsbetter than they might otherwise be by working to foster cooperation between people who hold different views. In thinking about each group of people listed below, please specify where you think they fall on the scale between being a unifying forcein society and being a dividing force. 11-point scale; codes 7-11, a dividing force in society; codes 1-5, a unifying force in society. Some attributes asked of half of the sample. General population, 25-mkt avg. ”Journalists” and “Government leaders” not asked in China and Thailand.

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