Trustworthy Information Insulates Business Action from Politicization Among the 48% who say it is possible for a business to address societal issues without being seen as politicized, percent who say To avoid being seen as politically motivated when taking a stand: GLOBAL 27 Be a trustworthy information source 46 Base actions on science 43 Don’t align with only one political party 39 Act on same values over time 36 Link actions to staying competitive 33 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer. ENG_ISS_HOW. You just said that it is possible for a business to engage in addressing contentious societal issues in ways that you would not consider to be political or politically motivated. Which of the following would be ways that a company could do that? Pick all that apply. Question asked among those who said it is possible for a business to engage in addressing issues that would not be considered political (ENG_ISS/6-9). General population, 27-mkt avg.

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