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Polarization Worsens Fears Among those who say their country is divided on key issues, percent who say GLOBAL 25 Excludes China and Thailand If our divisions are not addressed, this is likely to be a consequence Top 5 of 13: Worsening Slower Inability to #1 prejudice and #2 economic #3 Violence in #4 address #5 I will suffer discrimination development the streets societal financially challenges Economic consequence Economic consequence 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer. NAT_POL_CONS. What do you see as the likely consequences of these divisions within your country if they are not addressed? Pick all that apply. Question asked among those who say their country is divided on key issues (POL_DEG/2-5). General population, 25-mkt avg. Data not collected in China and Thailand. The order shown is based on top 5 rank with ties broken by decimals.

2023 Edelman Trust Barometer - Page 26 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer Page 25 Page 27