Six Countries Severely Polarized Severely polarized Argentina Colombia … d e d U.S. i v Brazil i d S. Africa y l e Spain d m S. Korea e e r France t Mexico d x Sweden i e Nigeria / v y UK i r Thailand Japan D e v The Netherlands s i Italy Kenya y Canada Germany r t n India u Ireland Australia co y Malaysia M Singapore Saudi Arabia UAE 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer. POL_DEG. Using the scale below, please indicate how China divided on key societal issues you believe your country is today. 5-point scale; top 2 box, Indonesia very/extremely divided. POL_PROG. How likely or unlikely do you think it is that your country will be able to work through or overcome its ideological divisions and lack of agreement on key issues and challenges? 8-point scale; codes 2-5, divisions can’t be overcome. General population, by market. Data for “entrenched” is POL_PROG/2-5 filtered by those who feel their country is very/extremely divided (POL_DEG/4-5). All data is rebased to exclude those that said, “don’t know.” Entrenched … and I do not feel these divisions can be overcome