U.S. Case Study: Republicans More Likely To Say Our Differences Are Insurmountable Percent who say Distrust Neutral Trust Degree of polarization Drivers of polarization (1-49) (50-59) (60-100) Republicans less trusting, more pessimistic 26 25 23 Republicans more Republican polarized, less trusting, more pessimistic My country is polarized: I trust I trust media I will be better our divisions are entrenched government off in 5 years 61 63 48 Democrats more Democrat likely to have many societal concerns 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer. TRU_INS. Below is a list of institutions. For each one, please indicate how much you trust that institution to do what is right.9-point scale; top 4 box, trust. CNG_FUT. Thinking about the economic prospects for yourself and your family, how do you think you and your family will be doing in five years’ time? 5-point scale; top 2 box, better off. POL_PROG. How likely or unlikely do you think it is that your country will be able to work through or overcome its ideological divisions and lack of agreement on key issues and challenges? 8-point scale; codes 2-5, divisions can’t be overcome. General population, U.S., by political affiliation. Data for “entrenched” is POL_PROG/2-5 filtered by those who feel their country is very/extremely divided (POL_DEG/4-5).

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