2022 EDELMAN TRUST BAROMETER: FULL TEXT FOR ANSWER CHOICES ABBREVIATED DIMENSIONS OF TRUST CMP_ARE_[INS]. Thinking about ____ as they are today, please indicate whether you consider each of the following dimensions to be one of their areas of strength or weakness. Shortened Full Information quality Information quality: Being a reliable source of trustworthy information Hold others accountable Holding others accountable: Drawing critical attention to institutions and individuals that are engaging in unethical behavior Communication and transparency Communication and transparency: Communicating with the public clearly, fully, and often about what it is doing and why Exert power effectively Exerting power effectively: Getting people or organizations to do things even if they do not want to Get results Getting results: Successfully executing plans and strategies that yield the promised results Work with other institutions and organizations Working with other institutions and organizations: Forming strong, collaborative relationships with other organizations and institutions to get things done Take a leadership role Taking a leadership role: Taking the lead on convening and coordinating cross-institutional efforts to solve society’s current problems and address emerging challenges Change management Change management: Introducing changes or innovations in ways that get people to accept them rather than feeling threatened or intimidated by them Long-term thinking and planning: Embracing a long-term orientation towards addressing problems that leads to Long-term thinking and planning the development of permanent solutions rather than engaging in short-term thinking that leads to the creation of temporary fixes

2022 Trust Barometer - Page 66 2022 Trust Barometer Page 65 Page 67