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2022 EDELMAN TRUST BAROMETER TEAM PROJECT TEAM ADVISORS Executive Director Tonia E. Ries Richard Edelman [email protected] Kirsty Graham Executive Advisors Stephen Kehoe Head of Thought David M. Bersoff, Ph.D. Deborah Lehr Leadership Research [email protected] Dave Samson DXI Research Advisors Antoine Harary Project Director Sarah Adkins Yannis Kotziagkiaouridis Cody Armstrong Research Abbey Fox Claire Ritzmann MARKETING Data and Analysis John Zamites Executive Editor Nancy Jeffrey Vanessa Pymble Esther Choi Mike Bush Content Strategy Chloe Buckley Polly Mingledorff Brooke Walker Marketing Francesca Oddo-Budinoff Ryann Gastwirth Justin Blake Pamela Blandon Christopher Alessi Daniella Timmons Edelman Trust Institute Caitlin Semo Romain Maradan Susannah Ferris Design David Sookochoff

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