GLOBAL 24 Not asked in China, Russia, Thailand INFORMATION QUALITY NOW MOST POWERFUL TRUST BUILDER ACROSS INSTITUTIONS Potential trust gain associated with doing each well (top 5) Business % pt NGOs % pt Government % pt Media % pt gain gain gain gain Information quality 3.0 Information quality 3.2 Information quality 6.1 Information quality 6.6 Hold others accountable 2.5 Exert power effectively 2.4 Take a leadership role 3.7 Communication and transparency 3.2 Communication and transparency 2.3 Work with other institutions and 2.3 Exert power effectively 3.5 Exert power effectively 2.5 organizations Exert power effectively 2.1 Take a leadership role 2.1 Long-term thinking and planning 3.2 Change management 2.2 Get results 1.8 Change management 2.0 Hold others accountable 3.2 Hold others accountable 2.0 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer. Regression analysis. CMP_ARE_[INS]. Thinking about [institution] as they are today, please indicate whether you consider each of the following dimensions to be one of their areas of strength or weakness. 5-point scale; top 2 box, strength. Question asked of half of the sample. TRU_INS. Below is a list of institutions. For each one, please indicate how much you trust that institution to do what is right. 9-point scale; top 4 box, trust. General population, 24-mkt avg. For a full explanation of how this data was calculated, please see the Technical Appendix. Data not collected in China, Thailand and Russia for CMP_ARE_[INS].

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