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DATA IN DETAIL FULL TEXT FOR ANSWER CHOICES THAT WERE ABBREVIATED IN THE REPORT TRUST_KPI: Actions consumers are more likely to do each for brands they fully trust, vs. those they do not trust Shortened Full Recommend it to others Recommend the fully trusted brand to other people Display it on my person or in my home Display the fully trusted brand on my person or in my home Talk about it in my social media Talk about the fully trusted brand in my social media Buy new products or services it introduces Buy new products or services the fully trusted brand introduces Buy it even if it is not as cheap as other options Buy the fully trusted brand even if it is not as cheap as some of my other options Stay loyal to it Stay loyal to the fully trusted brand, and not be actively shopping around for another brand that I might like better Stick with it even if something goes wrong Stick with the fully trusted brand even if it makes a mistake or something goes wrong Participate in activities or causes it sponsors Participate in activities, promotions or causes the fully trusted brand sponsors Share personal data, allow it to track me online Share personal data with the fully trusted brand or allow it to track my online activities 37

Trust The New Brand Equity - Page 37 Trust The New Brand Equity Page 36 Page 38