BRANDS MUST MOVE AT THE SPEED OF CULTURE Percent who say they expect a timely brand response to a major news event Issue a public statement Have their CEO publicly on social media regarding speak out regarding 54% their position on this issue 51% the issue or event within 2-3 days within 2-3 days 18 20 16 15 19 17 Within Within Within Within Within Within hours a day 2-3 days hours a day 2-3 days 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Trust, The New Brand Equity. TIME1. If there is a major event reported in the news that is causing a strong emotional response among the people in this country, how soon do you expect to see a brand respond to that event in each of the following ways? 7-point scale; code 1, within hours; code 2, within a day; code 3, within 2 to 3 days. General 25 population, 14-mkt avg. Data is a sum of codes 1-3.

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