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TRUST IN FOOD & BEVERAGE IS BUILT ONE INGREDIENT AT A TIME. 1 2 3 4 Take a hard look at Empower employees Lead with facts, Provide trustworthy, where you stand at every step act with empathy collaborative content • Assess trust with all • System gaps have • Ensure every commitment • With actions in place, tell the stakeholders in your own connections across leads with the tangible story of what you’re company and pinpoint areas business functions. Make actions you are taking now addressing. Remember the of vulnerability sure the entire organization and in the future. cry for truthful, unbiased, is involved to create reliable information. • Analyze each of the food meaningful change. • Have the courage to provide system gaps. What straight talk but also • Don’t go it alone. Business, problems can you credibly • Ensure employees have empathize and address government, NGOs and solve to build trust? Which others must find a common gaps have the greatest ample opportunity to people’s fears. purpose and take collective connection with your participate and co-create. action to solve societal business goals? They should be involved in problems. So, engage assessing the gaps AND others along the way. building your plan of action. 37

Trust and the Food and Beverage Sector - Page 37 Trust and the Food and Beverage Sector Page 36