14 Percent trust, healthcare companies TRUST IN HEALTH SECTOR DIFFERS BY INCOME, GEOGRAPHY, RACE/ETHNICITY AND POLITICS Distrust Neutral Trust 64 61 64 62 61 55 64 71 66 57 56 Men Women 18-34 35-54 55+ Low Middle High Urban Suburban Rural 62 55 57 61 60 70 50 White Black Hispanic Asian Rep. Dem. Ind/3rd Party U.S. Race and Ethnicity | Political Affiliation Gender | Age | Income | Location Global 9 62 Healthcare companies 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Trust and Health. TRU_INS. Below is a list of institutions. For each one, please indicate how much you trust that institution to do what is right. 9 - point scale; top 4 box, trust. General population, 9 - mkt avg., and by demographics; U.S. political affiliation, and Non - Hispanic White, Black, Hispanic, and Asian populations .

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