11 Percent who say HEALTH INFODEMIC: THE UNVACCINATED RELY ON INTERNET AND PEER VOICES, NOT EXPERTS 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Trust and Health. VAC_INPUT. In deciding whether or not to get vaccinated for COVID - 19, which of the following did you rely upon the most for information and advice? Pick all that apply. “My co - workers” and “My employer” only shown to those who are an employee of an organization (Q43/1). General population, 9 - mkt avg., among those who are fully vaccinated (VAC_STA_TUS/1) and unvaccinated because they don’t want to be (VAC_STA_TUS/3). “None of the above” was an answer option and was excluded from the rankings. Among those who are unvaccinated because they don’t want to be I relied on this source the most for information and advice on vaccinations... Among those who are fully vaccinated #1 My doctor #2 Recommendations of national health experts #3 My friends and family #4 The news media #7 Internet searches #1 Internet searches #2 My friends and family #3 I did not rely on any information/advice #4 My doctor #8 Recommendations of national health experts

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