5 9 - market global data margin of error: General population +/ - 1.0% (n=9,000); half - sample global general online population +/ - 1.5% (n=4,500). Country - specific data margin of error: General population +/ - 3.1 % (n=1,000); half - sample +/ - 4.4% (n=500). U.S. race and ethnicity - specific data margin of error: Non - Hispanic White +/ - 4.1% (n=576); Black, Hispanic, and Asian +/ - 4.9% (n=400). Methodology 2022 EDELMAN TRUST BAROMETER SPECIAL REPORT: TRUST AND HEALTH Canada China France Germany Japan Mexico Nigeria S. Korea UK U.S. Fieldwork conducted: February 10 – February 18, 2022 10 10,000 1,000 countries respondents respondents/country All data is nationally representative based on age, region and gender *To prevent skewing the global results, Nigeria is not included in any global averages because the online population is not representative of the true population An oversample of Black, Hispanic, and Asian respondents was collected in the U.S., allowing for segmentation of racial and ethnic communities, including the Non - Hispanic White population, across questions. Each racial and ethnic segment is nationally representative based on age, region and gender, and has the following base size: White n=576 Black n=400 Hispanic n=400 Asian** n=400 ** Asian includes Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders

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