46 2022 EDELMAN TRUST BAROMETER: FULL TEXT FOR ANSWER CHOICES ABBREVIATED BUSINESS RESPONSE TEAM Shortened Full Publicly Speak out against this behavior They should publicly speak out against this behavior Apply political or economic pressure They should apply political or economic pressure on the government to make changes Combat misinformation and provide trustworthy information They should combat any misinformation or propaganda campaigns about this by becoming a trustworthy and objective information source regarding what is really happening and its consequences Cease new business investments They should cease any new business investments or ventures until things change for the better Terminate business activities They should terminate all of their business activities in or with the country/state/region until things change for the better Business should carry on as usual They should carry on with business as usual and leave the situation for others to handle BUS_RESP. For each of the following scenarios, please indicate how you feel corporations that have business interests in the countries or markets involved should respond. (Please select all that apply for each scenario.)

The Geopolitical Business - Page 46 The Geopolitical Business Page 45 Page 47