39 Percent who say each is a business responsibility DATA IN DETAIL THE EXPANDING ROLE OF BUSINESS 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: The Geopolitical Business. CORP_ROLE. Do you consider each of the following to be a primary, secondary, or not a responsibility of business? 3 - point scale; code 1, primary; code 2, secondary. Sum of codes 1 and 2. General population, 14 - mkt avg. “Economic res ponsibilities” is an average of attributes 1 - 2, 4 - 6. “Societal responsibilities” is an average of attributes 3, 7, 9 - 11, and 13. “Geopolitical responsibilities” is an average of attributes 12 and 14. Global 14 Brazil Canada China France Germany India Japan Mexico Saudi Arabia S. Africa S. Korea UAE UK U.S. ECONOMIC RESPONSIBILITIES (average) 85 90 83 86 81 81 89 78 87 79 92 87 88 84 85 Create jobs 88 92 86 86 86 86 91 82 92 82 94 87 89 87 88 Provide safe and reliable products 87 94 86 87 86 84 92 82 89 81 93 88 89 85 88 Drive innovation 86 92 84 85 83 84 90 81 89 81 93 88 87 85 86 Grow the economy 85 90 83 85 83 82 89 79 88 78 93 88 89 82 83 Wealth creation 79 82 76 86 68 68 84 68 78 75 86 83 84 79 78 SOCIETAL RESPONSBILIITES (average) 77 82 73 80 74 72 86 70 80 76 84 77 82 73 74 Provide training to employees 88 94 85 86 88 86 91 82 91 83 94 89 89 86 86 Support local communities 83 87 81 84 80 76 86 76 84 79 93 82 88 79 83 Provide trustworthy information 78 86 75 78 76 65 87 73 81 77 84 79 82 78 78 Address climate change, pollution, poverty, and food/water insecurity 76 79 71 79 70 78 86 74 79 70 80 78 79 70 69 Address discrimination, wage inequality, healthcare, and education 74 74 64 79 68 69 85 69 75 73 78 80 80 67 65 Promote cooperation across political differences 65 70 60 72 60 57 80 44 72 71 74 54 74 60 63 GEOPOLITICAL RESPONSIBILITES (average) 59 60 56 62 57 47 75 46 59 66 62 56 69 57 58 Cultivate admiration for our country’s values 68 72 60 70 62 49 84 59 74 73 74 70 79 62 62 Punish countries that violate human rights and international law 50 47 52 53 51 45 66 32 44 58 49 42 59 51 53

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