3 In USD Primary investment style (%) 4 34 44 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45+ Age (%) Gender (%) Growth 36 Value 19 Industry - specific 15 Hedge 10 Quantitative/Index 8 GARP 4 Activist 4 J ob titles (%) 33 35 31 < $1b $1b – < $10b $10b+ Organizations’ assets u nder management (%) INVESTOR PROFILE 2021 Edelman Special Report: Healthcare Institutional Investors D2. What is the primary investment style for the funds you manage on behalf of your organization? // S1. What is your current ag e? // D4. What is your gender? S12. Which of the following best describes your position or level within your company or organization? // S7. In your current jo b, approximately how much are your institution's investable assets? Base: 3 - Market Average n=225 35 29 21 7 6 Chief Investment Officers Financial Analysts Portfolio Managers Directors of Research Investment Stewardship 35 65 Women Men

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