FEB UK-WIDE MEDIA FALLS SHORT ON REPRESENTATION OF ALL NATIONS & REGIONS IN THE UK Percent who agree Think the UK-wide media does a bad job of representing all 1in 2 the nations and regions that make up the UK 49% 66% 61% 59% 47% 1in 2 Said they would like to see morein UK-wide media about the nations and regions that make up the UK 45% 59% 52% 52% 43% 2021 UK Trust Supplement. QY1: Thinking about the nations and regions that make up the UK, please select where your opinion falls on the scale between the two opposing descriptions? 7-point scale; top 3 box, agree. General population, UK and boosted Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland samples. 20

Country Report - UK - Page 20 Country Report - UK Page 19 Page 21