FEB THOUGH COLLABORATION BETWEEN WESTMINSTER AND THE DEVOLVED GOVERNMENTS WOULD NEED TO IMPROVE Percent who agree The UK Government does not The working relationship The working relationship work well with the leaders of between the UK Government between the UK Government Scotland, Wales and Northern and devolved nations during and devolved nations during Ireland the pandemic has made me the pandemic has made me more negative about the UK more in favor of independence from the UK 70% 51% 37% 51% 56% 44% 46% 32% 27% 53% 45% 27% 48% 42% 2021 UKTrust Supplement. QY1: Thinking about the nations and regions that make up the UK, please select where your opinion falls on the scale between the two opposing descriptions? 7- point scale; top 3 box, agree QY4: What impact, if any, has each of the following had on your views of the United Kingdom? 5-point scale; bottom 2 box, more negative. QY5: What impact, if any, has each of the following had on your views of [X Country] leaving the UK? 5-point scale; top 2 box, more in favour of independence. General population, UK and boosted Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland samples. 17

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