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EMPLOYEE EXPECTATIONS SHIFT: SAFETY AND UPSKILLING Change in importance as an employer attribute since the Net change More Less MATTER MORE start of the year in the UAE... Important Important Change in importance since last year Job skills training programs +51 63 12 (more important minus less important) Keep workers, customers safe +49 63 14 Diverse, representative workforce +48 61 13 Regular employee communications +46 59 13 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer. EMP_IMP_VAL. When considering an organization as a potential place of employment, please indicate whether each of the following has become more important to you, less important to you, or has stayed the same in importance since last year. 5-point scale; top 2 box; more important; bottom 2 box, less important. Question asked of those who are an employee (Q43/1). General population, UAE. Net change is the difference between more and less important. 38

Country Report - UAE - Page 38 Country Report - UAE Page 37 Page 39