PANDEMIC ACCELERATES JOB LOSS FEARS Percent who agree, in the U.S. As a result of the of the pandemic, I worry that the pandemic will accelerate a portion of our workforce has seen their the rate at which companies replace work hours reduced or their human workers with AI and robots jobs eliminated A large percentage A small percentage 59% 53% 29 30 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer.LAY_OFFS. Has the organization you work for had to lay-off or furlough any employees as a result of the economic impact of the pandemic? Code 1, yes, a large percentage; code 2, yes, a small percentage. Question asked of those who are an employee (Q43/1). Total layoff/furlough percentage is a sum of code 1 and 2. SOC_AGR. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements. 9-point scale; top 4 box, agree. Question asked of half of the sample. General population, U.S. 17