CEOS EXPECTED TO BE ACCOUNTABLE TO THE PUBLIC, NOT JUST SHAREHOLDERS Percent who agree, in Singapore CEOs should step in CEOs should take the lead CEOs should hold when the government does not fix on change rather than waiting themselves accountable to societal problems for government to impose change the public and not just to the on them board of directors or stockholders 77% 71% 72% 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer. CEO_EXP. Below is a list of potential expectations that you might have for a company CEO. Thinking about CEOs in general, whether they are global CEOs or a who oversees a particular country, how would you characterize each using the following three-point scale? 3-point scale, sum of codes 2 and 3. Question asked of half of the sample. CEO_AGR. Thinking about CEOs, how 26 strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 9-point scale; top 4 box, trust. Question asked of half of the sample. General population, Singapore.
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