Technology remains most trusted industry sector globally EU less trusting of most industries Technology 80% 77% 92% Biotech 64% 62% 78% Automotive 64% 58% 65% Retail 62% 60% 65% Food 62% 58% 62% Energy 62% 53% 65% Health care industry 61% 60% 55% Pharmaceuticals 58% 50% 35% CPG manufacturers 57% 54% 58% Entertainment 56% 57% 66% Banks 50% 32% 31% Media companies 46% 38% 42% 33% 29% Insurance 44% Significant at 95% confidence level A26-38. Now I would like to focus on your trust in different industry sectors. Please tell me how much you TRUST businesses in each of the following industries to do what is right. Again, please use a nine-point scale where one means that you "DO NOT TRUST THEM AT ALL" and nine means that you "TRUST THEM A GREAT DEAL.” (Top 4 Box) Informed publics ages 25-64 in 22 countries, the EU, and Italy 55

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