General Leaders Seen As Underperforming 2016 Population Importance vs. performance of 16 trust-building leadership attributes % % Importance Performance Gap Integrity 40 30 10 Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Exhibits highly ethical behaviors 40 29 11 Barometer. Q462-478 How important is each of the following attributes to Takes responsible actions to address an issue or crisis 38 31 7 building your trust in CEOs? (Top 2 Behaves in a way that is transparent and open Box, Important) Q479-495 Please rate 43 29 14 CEOs on how well you think they are Engagement 36 28 8 performing on each of the following attributes. Use a 9-point scale where Treats employees well 39 29 10 one means they are “performing extremely poorly” and nine means Listens to customer needs and feedback 37 29 8 they are “performing extremely well.” Places customer ahead of profits 30 26 4 CEO questions use the same scales as the business questions. (Top 2 Communicates frequently and honestly on the state of their company 38 27 11 Box, Performance) General Population, Italy. Products 39 33 6 Places a premium on offering high quality products or services 42 34 8 Is focused on driving innovation and introducing new products/services/ideas 36 32 4 Purpose 34 28 6 Is dedicated to protecting and improving the environment 34 26 8 Ensures that the company creates programs that positively impact the local community in which it 37 32 5 operates Ensures that the company addresses society's needs in its everyday business 37 27 10 Ensures that the company partners with NGOs, government and third parties to address societal 29 26 3 issues Operations 31 27 4 Attracts and retains a highly-regarded and widely admired top leadership team 38 31 7 Is ranked on a global list of top CEOs, such as "The Best Performing CEOs in The World" 22 21 1 48 Manages the company in a way that delivers consistent financial returns 32 29 3

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