FEB PUBLIC BELIEVE IRELAND AND GB HAVE A GOOD RELATIONSHIP YET TRUST IN BRITAIN IS RELATIVELY LOW Percent agree in Ireland Percent trust in each nation among people in Ireland Distrust Neutral Trust (1-49) (50-59) (60-100) 53% 68 Of the Irish public 54 believe Ireland and 46 Great Britain have a 39 35 33 good relationship in general 19 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer IRE Supplement. Q13. Please think about Ireland’s relationship with Britain. Where your opinion falls between the two opposing descriptions. 7pt scale; top 3 box, Agree. Q7.TRU_NATION. Please indicate how much you trust the following nations to do what is right using a 9-point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal”. 9pt scale; top 4 box, trust. General population, Ireland (501) 25

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