PRIORITIES SHIFT: MY INFORMATION Change in importance since the start of the year, Net change More Less LITERACY NOW in Ireland... Important Important MATTERS MORE Prioritising my family and their needs +67 72 5 Change in importance since last year (more important minus less important) Being politically aware +46 54 8 Increasing my media and +45 52 7 information literacy Speaking out when I see need for +38 45 7 changes and reforms science literacy +36 46 10 Increasing my 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer. IMP_VALUES. For each of the following, please indicate whether it has become more important to you, less important to you, or has stayed the same in importance, since last year. 5-point scale; top 2 box; more important; bottom 2 box, less important. Question asked of half of the sample. General population, Ireland. Net change is the difference between more and less important. 43

Country Report - Ireland - Page 43 Country Report - Ireland Page 42 Page 44