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FEB PROGRESS ON VACCINATIONS IS When the pandemic ESSENTIAL FOR restrictions ease, I intend to… Net Agree Disagree THE RETURN TO Socialise with others outside my 49 68 19 ‘NORMAL’ LIFE, household BUT DOUBTS Visit high-street shops 45 65 20 REMAIN ABOUT Return to my office / place of work 42 63 21 HIGH-RISK ACTIVITIES Go on a national holiday 34 60 26 Percent who agree in Ireland Eat out at restaurants 34 59 25 Visit bars or pubs 11 48 37 Go on an international holiday 8 49 41 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer IRE Feb Supplement. Q24: Please think about when the pandemic restrictions begin to ease as vaccination progresses. To what extent do you agree with the following? 9-point scale; top 4 box, agree; bottom 4 box, disagree. Base: General population, Ireland (n=501). 18

Country Report - Ireland - Page 18 Country Report - Ireland Page 17 Page 19