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FEB A FEDERAL SYSTEM IS SEEN AS A GOOD COMPROMISE BUT SOME ARE CONCERNED IT WOULD NOT BE POPULAR A Federal Union (each country Reasons why people are for/against a Federal Union maintains their own parliament) In favour of a Federal Union Against a Federal Union A federal system is a good balance 44 I don’t think the majority of Northern 30 Undecided Irish people would be in favour / Don't know In favour of A federal system allows each territory 41 The ROI is more economically 28 36% 47% to govern its own internal affairs prosperous independently Brexit puts trade and free movement 41 Fear of violence/extremism 27 between the two territories at risk It is less likely to endanger peace 38 A federal system does not unite the 26 Against than a fully united Ireland two territories enough 18% Both territories would be more 37 It would cost too much 25 economically prosperous 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer IRE Supplement. Q15: To what extent are you in favour of, or against each of the following? Base Ireland: General Population (501). Q18.You said you were not in favour of a federal union between Ireland and Northern Ireland. Why is this? Multicode. Base Ireland: Those against a Federal Union (88) Q19.You said you were in favour of a federal union between Ireland and Northern Ireland. Why is this? Multicode. Base Ireland: Those in favour of a Federal Union (235) 32

Country Report - Ireland - Page 32 Country Report - Ireland Page 31 Page 33