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FEB YET VACCINATION ALONE IS NOT ENOUGH TO IMPROVE CONFIDENCE IN THE IRISH ECONOMY AND ENCOURAGE PEOPLE TO SPEND MORE FREELY Percent agree Only 65% Disagree 13 53% Disagree 24 Agree they still intend Neutral 21 Agree they will have Neutral 22 to save money even more confidence in when restrictions begin Agree 65 the economyas Agree 53 to ease vaccination progresses 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer IRE Feb Supplement. Q24: Please think about when the pandemic restrictions begin to ease as vaccination progresses. To what extent do you agree with the following? 9-point scale; top 4 box, agree; bottom 4 box, disagree. Base: General population, Ireland (n=501). 23

Country Report - Ireland - Page 23 Country Report - Ireland Page 22 Page 24