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6 83 77 60 79 71 67 54 87 70 18-34 35-54 55+ Low Middle High Rep. Dem. Ind/3rd party Percent who say RECOGNITION OF RACIAL INJUSTICE GROWS ACROSS DEMOGRAPHICS 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Business and Racial Justice in America. Q7. Do you personally believe that systemic racism and racial injustice exists in this country today? General population, U.S., and by demographics, and among Non-Hispanic White, Black, Hispanic and Asian populations. I believe systemic racism and racial injustice exist in this country U.S. general population 73 % +5 pts Change, Apr 2021 to Apr 2022 - 0 + 67 90 78 78 68 78 White Black Hispanic Asian Men Women +6 +10 -2 +6 +2 -1 +4 +4 +5 +6 +4 -3 -1 0 +9 Communities | Gender Age | Income | Political affiliation Significant gains among Americans age 18 - 54

Business and Racial Justice - Page 6 Business and Racial Justice Page 5 Page 7