22 Percent who say THE FIGHT FOR RACIAL JUSTICE: COMPANIES MUST KEEP THE PROMISES THEY’VE MADE 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Business and Racial Justice in America. MEET_EXP. How well do you believe companies are doing at living up to the promises and commitments they have made to address racism both within their own organizations as well as in the country? 5-point scale; bottom 2 box, failing; code 3, mediocre. General population, U.S., and by demographics, and among Non-Hispanic White, Black, Hispanic and Asian populations. Companies are doing mediocre Companies are failing/doing poorly 35 23 15 19 30 30 27 62 52 49 51 61 60 62 18-34 35-54 55+ White Black Hispanic Asian Age | Communities I believe companies are not living up to the promises they have made to address racism within their organization and the country Among ages 18– 34, 6 in 10 believe companies not keeping their promises Majority across communities