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15 U.S. employees White Black Hispanic Asian My work environment is free of microaggressions 23 23 24 25 We are free of racist traditions/people 22 22 25 20 23 24 LESS THAN 1 IN 4 EMPLOYEES REPORT A WORKPLACE FREE OF RACISM 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Business and Racial Justice in America. IDEAL_WRKPL. Which of the following, if any, are true of the organization you work for? Question asked of those who are an employee of an organization (Q43/1). General population, U.S., and among Non-Hispanic White, Black, Hispanic and Asian populations. For the full question text, please refer to the appendix. Percent of employees who say this is true of their organization

Business and Racial Justice - Page 15 Business and Racial Justice Page 14 Page 16