8 IN 10 EXPECT CEOS TO ACT; ZERO TOLERANCE FOR RACISM AT WORK Percent who believe that CEOs must do each action in response to systemic racism and racial injustice Percent who expect Top 5 expected actions, CEOs to do something U.S. general population U.S. White Black Latinx Asian Institute a policy of zero tolerance 37 35 41 32 47 of racism within their organization Getting their own house in order 30 28 39 27 35 when it comes to racial equality Ensure that there is 30 26 40 28 40 79% ethnic diversity on the company’s board Foster the career growth and development of 29 26 39 27 35 Black, Hispanic and Asian American employees Black respondents most concerned Consult with Black, Hispanic and Asian about having their American community leaders on what the 26 23 42 29 34 voices heard and organization should be doing acted upon 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Business and Racial Justice in America. WCEO_RESP. Which of the following things do you believe that CEOs must do in response to the systemic racism and racial injustice in this country? Pick all that apply. General population, U.S., and among Non-Hispanic White, Black, Latinx and Asian populations. Data on the left is a net of attributes 1-12. 25

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