BLACKAND LATINX COMMUNITIES LESS LIKELY TO TURN TO PROFESSIONALS FOR ADVICE Top three people who have the greatest influence on how respondents manage their money U.S. general population White Black Latinx Asian My spouse/partner 51 +2 -10 -2 -3 Disparities compared to the general population My family 51 -2 +3 -2 +7 A financial advisor 24 +2 -7 -8 +4 My friends 23 -2 0 +1 +4 2021 Edelman Money in Color Special Report. Q12. Which of the following people, if any, has the greatest influence on how you currently manage your money? Please rank the top three, with “1” being the person who has the greatest influence. General population, U.S., and among Non-Hispanic White, Black, Latinx and Asian populations. 22

Addressing Racism in Americas Financial System. - Page 22 Addressing Racism in Americas Financial System. Page 21 Page 23