BLACK PEOPLE MORE LIKELY TO HAVE ADDITIONAL SOURCES OF INCOME Percent who have a side hustle Goals for those who have a side hustle White Black Latinx Asian 43% Give me enough money to save or invest more 54 60 49 63 U.S. general population Allow me to maintain my standard of living 45 52 52 52 45 51 34 37 Give me enough money to pay off debts 38 47 39 34 Have my side job become my main source of income 25 35 20 25 White Black Latinx Asian 2021 Edelman Money in Color Special Report. Q5. Do you currently have a job or entrepreneurial pursuit alongside your main form of employment or income? This can be any regular gig or freelancing you do on your own terms and schedule alongside a traditional full or part time job(s). This is sometimes referred to as a “side hustle(s)”. General population, U.S., among Non-Hispanic White, Black, Latinx and Asian populations. Q7. Which of the following, if any, are your goals for your side job or entrepreneurial pursuit? Question asked of those who have or want a side hustle (Q5/1-3) General population, U.S., among Non-Hispanic White, Black, Latinx and Asian populations 24

Addressing Racism in Americas Financial System. - Page 24 Addressing Racism in Americas Financial System. Page 23 Page 25