FINANCIAL WORRIES CAUSE EMBARRASSMENT AND STRESS, PARTICULARLY FOR THE LATINX COMMUNITY Percent who agree I get embarrassed talking about money because Concerns about money have had a long-term I do not think my finances are where they should be negative impact on my mental health U.S. general U.S. general population population 49% 44% 59 46 50 52 42 44 40 37 White Black Latinx Asian White Black Latinx Asian 2021 Edelman Money in Color Special Report Q24: How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? General Population n=1500, Hispanic n=502, NH-Asian n=515, NH-Black n=505, NH-White n=941 18

Addressing Racism in Americas Financial System. - Page 18 Addressing Racism in Americas Financial System. Page 17 Page 19