2024 Top Findings

Acceptance is as important as invention 01 Respondents by nearly a two-to-one margin believe innovation is poorly managed GlobalReport:Innovation in Peril (insufficient government regulation, lack of trust in traditional leaders, suspicion of science’s independence from politics and money). Respondents need to know that the inventions have been TOP10 evaluated by scientists and ethicists, are effectively regulated, and feel in control over the impact on their lives. The virtuous circle Business must lead Society is changing 02 of trust 03 on innovation 04 too quickly Trust is based first on economic Innovation is the central tenet A majority of respondents who prosperity, evidenced by the of business growth. Business believe that innovation is poorly fact that developing countries must lead on innovation because managed think that society is have higher trust levels than it is the most trusted institution – changing too quickly and not in developed countries. Innovation 52 points more competent ways that benefit people like can drive growth for all levels of and 32 points more ethical me. There is also concern that society, resulting in higher trust than government. the system is biased in favor in institutions. of the wealthy. AI is the battleground Concern that science is Peers are on par with 05 but mRNA is also at the 06 losing its independence 07 scientists crossroads Fifty-three percent of global Seventy-four percent say Respondents are ambivalent about respondents say that science they trust scientists and peers, these innovations. When innovation has become politicized in their equally, for the truth about is well-managed, people are 12 country; two-thirds in both innovations. Among those points more likely to embrace and China and the U.S. In who think innovation is poorly 17 points less likely to reject AI, a net developing markets, 63 managed, peers have more difference of 29 points. For gene- percent of respondents say trust (72 percent) than based medicine, that equivalent net that government has too scientists (68 percent). difference is 22 points. much control of science. Innovation is politicized Demand for Trust in industry sectors 08 in Western democracies 09 public-private 10 doesn’t guarantee trust In the U.S., Republicans are 41 partnership grows in innovation points less likely than Democrats Over the past decade, there There’s a trust discount for to accept innovations such as has been a 15-point increase in innovations relative to their green energy, AI, gene-based the percentage of respondents sector: technology is trusted by medicine and GMO foods. who say they would trust 76 percent, but AI only by 50 There are also large right-left business more with innovation percent; healthcare is trusted differences in Australia (23 if it partnered with government by 73 percent, but gene-based points), Germany (20 points), –rising from 45 percent in 2015 medicine only by 50 percent; and Canada (18 points). to 60 percent today. and food and beverage is trusted by 72 percent, but GMO foods only by 32 percent. TolearnmoreabouttheEdelmanTrustBarometer, visit http://www.edelman.com/trust/2024/trust-barometer #TrustBarometer All data is based on general population sample unless otherwise noted.

2024 Top Findings - Page 1 2024 Top Findings