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2024 Edelman Trust Barometer P. 33 Over Past Decade, Demand for Business-Government Partnership on Innovation Surges Percent who say GLOBAL 22 - 0 + 2015 to 2024 Significant change If business partners with government, I would trust it more with technology-led changes 84 82 79 77 76 74 61 59 59 59 58 57 55 55 54 52 50 50 48 48 47 38 +15 +26 +8 +19 +3 +5 +13 +26 +6 +26 +12 +12 +30 +19 +15 +21 +9 +22 +16 +1 +13 +8 +12 60% pts Change, Ch In Ma In UAE Si S. B Me S. Ne Ir Au Ge It Ca Sp UK Fr Ja U. Ar d d n ra e a a p S g i A K t la s r l n a n ia la o g zi x h m y i nc an . e n f i o n t a n 2015 to 2024 a y a r l c r e ra a d n s e p i o r d e c e a t i s o l l n i a ia r a a an ia y na e ds 2024 Edelman Trust Barometer.INS_PTN. Below are a number of actions that could impact your trust in business and industry to develop and implement technology-led changes. What impact would each of these actions have on your trust? 9-point scale, top 4 box, trust business and industry more. General population, 22-mkt avg. Year-over-year changes were tested for significance using a t-test set at the 99%+ confidence level.

2024 Edelman Trust Barometer Global Report - Page 33 2024 Edelman Trust Barometer Global Report Page 32 Page 34